One of the founders of the artistic association “Jack of Diamonds” was Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov. He is more than other members of that association was attached to the material part of the objects. He has a lot of spontaneous force and pressure. His works are emphasized decorative. In two genres - still life and in the image of a nude female model - these traits are realized successfully.
Still life “Fruits and Berries,” painted in 1916 and presented at the Museum of Russian Art, belongs to the period of the master’s high rise. Here, as in most of his still lifes, the central part of the canvas is marked with the brightest accents, and closer to the edges of the canvas decorative tension is reduced. The artist also makes us feel the roundness of vases and plates with red, green and purple edible fruits.
In 1904, I. I. Mashkov founded a school in Moscow – a studio preparing gifted young people for admission to the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
I. I. Mashkov at the Museum of Russian Art (Prof. A. Abrahamyan’s collection):
“Fruits and Berries”,1916
From the Author's Works



Fruits and Berries 1916