One of the largest artistic centers in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century was the city of Saratov, where the artist Victor Elpidiforovich Borisov-Musatov was born and lived.
In his works Borisov-Musatov created his own special world - sublime, beautiful and alluring.
He became the creator of a new type of painting in Russian art – elegic paintings.
His heroines are fragile and tender young women.
In Professor Abrahamyan’s collection Viktor Borisov-Musatov is represented by two works - the painting “Blooming Garden” (a variant of the painting “Spring,” located in St. Petersburg State Russian Museum) and the sketch “Female Head” (dated 1902).
On the basis of Viktor Borisov-Musatov’s work, a new Moscow artistic group “Blue Rose” emerged.
V. E. Borisov-Musatov at the Museum of Russian Art (Prof. A. Abrahamyan’s collection):
“ Garden in Blossom ”, 1898 – 1901 Variant of the picture “Spring” (SRM)
“ Woman’s Head ” Study, 1902
From the Author's Works

Garden in Blossom1898 – 1901 Variant of the picture “Spring” (SRM) 1898 – 1901

Woman’s Head. Study 1902